
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2018

Do you like stories?

In this blog you will enter the world of stories. The story network Riding Hood is a wonderful story where you will learn many things that will give you the illusion to learn and read more stories

Listen carefully!

We are going to introduce this story by watching and listen the following video of the story "little red riding hood" and then, answer the following questions: - ¿Do you hear abour this story? - ¿Do you liked? Why or why not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC9AEQJrgB4

Do you like reading?

Read the following story about little red riding hood in the link above, and answer the questions: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/sites/kids/files/attachment/short-stories-little-red-riding-hood-transcript.pdf - Who is the main character of the story? - What happens? - What is the realization between the wolf and the girl? - How did the story end? - What teaching does this story tell us? Finally, share your answers with the rest of your classmates and choose the best answers.

Think and answer

Select from the story that we have read before the following words or sentences: - Two verbs in the present - Five sutantives - Four adjectives - A direct completemnto - A prayer in passive Then, define the following words: - Wolf - Basket - Hammer - Cap - Path

Talk with your classmates!

In this occasion, we will create a debate to talk about the topic that the story has left us. For this we will divide the class into two groups and we will ask the following questions so that they can exchange their opinions and learn to debate under the rules of respect and dialogue. - It is important to trust on people we do not know?

Invent you a story!

In this part you have to work in grupos of four. You have to create your own story, modifying the end of the story of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Suddenly the paddies of Little Red Riding Hood appeared by surprise in the house and they met the wolf before Little Red Riding Hood arrived... Finally, your group have to read each story. It will be very fun!