Do you like reading?

Read the following story about little red riding hood in the link above, and answer the questions:
Resultado de imagen de Little red riding hood pdf

- Who is the main character of the story?
- What happens?
- What is the realization between the wolf and the girl?
- How did the story end?
- What teaching does this story tell us?

Finally, share your answers with the rest of your classmates and choose the best answers.


  1. Maitane Ramirez de la Piscina15 de octubre de 2018, 13:05

    Hi Alfredo, I´m Maitane your ICT classmate!

    First of all, congratulations for creating such a useful blog. It is attractive, well organized and you can reach everywhere without any problems.

    Continuing with the comment, I have to remark that I´m in favour of creating different activities from a main story in order to practice the different learning skills. In this case, I will choose this speaking activity, because I love when the students start discussing and are capable of reaching to different conclusions from a common topic. It is important to share their opinion with their mates without the help of the teacher, it increases a lot the self-confidence.

    To finish with, I will like to underline that you have work in a very original way all the learning skills, so I absolutely think that your students are going to enjoy your activity!



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